Wednesday, March 7, 2012

8th of March Woman's Day

International Women's Day (IWD), originally called International Working Women’s Day, is marked on March the 8th every year. It's a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements. The 8th of March is the International Women’s Day and Italian men and women are going to celebrate it with the traditional gift of yellow mimosas to Italy’s lovely women.
This civil holiday was born as a political event, and over the course of years blended into the culture of many countries, to the point that in some celebrations, the day lost its political flavor, and became simply an occasion for men to express their love to the women around them.
Women’s Day has its roots in two events that took place outside of Italy. On March 8, 1857 a strike by garment workers in New York, led to the formation of the first women's union in the United States. Sixty years later Russian women led a strike calling for "bread and peace" during the twin horrors of World War I and the Russian Revolution. In 1945 the Union of Italian Women declared that this special date, March 8, should be set aside to celebrate womanhood across the country. This is a very important date for all the difficulties that women had to go trough to try and reach the same rights of men in all aspect of a normal working class.

On the 8th of March Italian men are going to celebrate it with the traditional gift of yellow mimosas to Italy’s lovely women.
Women declared that this special date, March 8, should be set aside to celebrate womanhood across the country. Italians are fond of this celebration, It is also criticized for being more and more of a commercial and marketing initiative, with its civil and political meaning pushed every year further in the background. While it is true that men should show their love and care every day of the year, we Italians appreciate having a special day. While it is true that men should show their love and care every day of the year, we Italians appreciate having a special day for our women!

Women in Italy don’t need a special day to go out and celebrate in a women-only night, but they live this particular night with enthusiasm.

Buona festa della donna a tutti!!!

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