Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas time in Cattolica!!!

Hello everybody, it is nearly Christmas time and celebrations are round the they say! I would like to wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. Even though we are having a time of difficulty for the all of Europe Italy included, we have tried to give the people who still comes and spends Christmas with us in Cattolica a spot of light and dream. During Festivities we all try to forget our small or big problems and smile to the New Year and Christmas Day. We often forget the importance of Christmas, and it is good to remeber the meaning of it: peace, love, friendship (the real one) and to care for each other, this is what every Christmas, on Christmas night each year we celebrate when Gesus borns. Christmas more than other times is a time for sharing what we are and who we are together we the ones we love!!! That is why we have made Cattolica with a special Christmases mood, so we hope!!! We have closed in a ball the fountins by Piazza Primo Maggio,just like a Christmas ball and you can watch inside and see like a different world a better one...and all the little Christmas trees around it... the streets are all light up with Christmas lights, the little houses in the main center viale bovio where you can sample our traditions and at the same time buy little gifts,there is a beautiful ice ring by Piazza Mercato where kids and adults (mostly) can skate, a beautiful wheel by the council where you can see the top of Cattolica, last but not least the council all light up and in front the massive Christmas tree all decorated where the night of Christmas after the mass we will all meet to celebrte and wish everybody a great Merry Christmas. Christmas Carols will be sung all over the main areas of Cattolica by the coir of the there is somenthing for everybody!

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