Thursday, October 27, 2011


Today at 3pm there was in Coriano the funeral of Marco Simoncelli. I don't like going to funerals, but this one it was defenetly a different one, not for the ammount of people 60,000 there wasn't enough place in Coriano for all of them that is why the circuit of Misano has setted up big screens Tv for everybody else! but it did not seem a sad funeral it is difficult to explain it was more like a special party for Marco because it was magical if I am allowed to say. The atmosphere was so deep and full of memories of all his achievements not only as a biker, but as a human beeing, as the lovely person he was, a caring one towards everybody. He has brought a smile into his job a big smile, like his family today: Rossella the mum, who until an hour before the funeral was welcoming everybody at home with coffe and pastries, Paolo the father who was always next to him in the races, his lovely sister Martina and his girlfriend kate, have showed to all the world that Marco would have not wanted any tears just smiles from everybody, and that is what they have passed on to every single person today.
Even the bishop of Rimini Lambiasi had some really nice words today in his speech, not the usual words that you would expect from a priest, he was one of us too. Every single person today felt part of a bigger family (the one of the fans, of the team, of the friends, of the racers, of the school, of the neiboughrs, the blood family, every body from overseas all together, we were all one thing, we were there for the same reason to pay our tribute and respect to Marco). When they were taking the coffin outside his good friend Valentino pushed Marco's bike outside the church, onced out, the coffin has been settled in the middle and all around the people were sitting down next to it. His dad and daughter in front, it was like if we were waiting for Marco to jump out the coffin that was Marco full of life, jokes. One of the last to speak said " Marco is not dead this is only one of his tricks, because today Marco will leave with us in our hearts and it will stay there always" One of the many poster said: Marco you will teach the Angels to skid now...."
Marco I am not saying goodbye to you because i believe you will still ride from up there, all I can say using the words of his mum " thanks for all the things you gave us " see you soon!

Ciao Marco e grazie

Maura and all the Britts fans that come every summer to the motogp

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